17, 1864: 30c orange, IOc yellow green, 5c brown (#38, #68, #75), tied
by two strikes of segmented cork cancels on folded letter and bearing red
BOSTON BR PKT. OCT 18 40, (the "40" being the British packet credit), Storer
forwarder, "2", "1d", LONDON OC31 64 PAID and "Via Southampton" on
front, BOSTON AM.PKT. OCT 18 PAID, Hong Kong transit and small MANILA 28
DEC 64 receiver on reverse.
45c was
the single rate via Southampton. The cover departed New York on October
19 on the Cunarder "CHINA."
refer to the cholera epidemic with reference to a Constantinople cure,
Presidential and other election observations and the Maryland "free state
" vote. |