The Mexican Expeditionary Air Force
201st Fighting Squadron in the Philippines
The Mexican Expeditionary Air Force (MEAF) departed San Francisco on March 27,1945 aboard the U.S.S. Fairisle and arrived in the Philippines on April 30, and debarked May 1st to Clark Field. At the beginning of June they began flying air cover for ground troops. The MEAF was comprised of 285 Mexican Nationals serving under the Mexican flag and 11 Americans as liaison officers.

Cover posted at Cost Rica on April 16, 1945 to
2nd. Lieutenant Howard B. Ftiggs. U.S. Liaison Officer, Mex. Exped. Air Force. 
APO 18,888 (transit APO) P.O. re-directed to APO 710.

Cover posted from Mexico City on June 11, 1945
to Sargent 2nd class Ruben Ledesna APO74.

APO710 and APO74 both Clark Field, Pampanga

This is the first and only time
that the Mexican military has served outside of Mexico.