Chapter 13
The Royal Decree of May  29, 1894,  to which reference  is made,  modified to conform with the monetary unit  in use  in the  Philippines was as follows:
Upon motion of   the  Minister of  Colonies,   in accord with  the Ministerial Council,  in  the  name  of  my August  son,   the  King, Don Alfonso  XIII,  and  as  Queen Regent of   the  Kingdoms,   I decree
the  following: . 
Article 1.  From  the   first of  July next,   the  Stamp Tax on drafts in all Spanish possessions  and colonies will be adjusted to the following, precepts:

Article  2. In accordance with present Decree, there will be considered as  drafts:

1. Bills of  Exchange;
2. Drafts  Payable   to  Order; 
3. Negotiable   promissory Notes;
4. Checks   Payable   to  Order;
5. Orders of  Transfer   issued  by  banks  or   companies  against their  branch houses; and
6.  Letters  of  Credit  for   fixed sums,  as  well  as  assignments, securities,   or  any other  documents be means of which   the transfer,   exchange or  payment of  money  in account current is  realized.

Amount (P)
Stamp (P) Class No.
100.00 and less 0.05 21
100.05 to 200.00 0.15 20
200.05 to 400.00 0.20 19
400.05 to 600.00 0.30 18
600.05 to 1,000.00 0.60 17
1,000.05 to 1,400.00 0.80 16
1,400.05 to 2,000.00 1.20 15
2,000.05 to 2,400.00 1.40 14
2,400.05 to 3,000.00 1.80 13
3,000.05 to 3,400.00 2.00 12
3,400.05 to 4,000.00 2.40 11
4,000.05 to 4,400.00 3.00 10
4,400.05 to 5,000.00 3.60 9
5,000.05 to 6,000.00 4.00 8
6,000.05 to 7,000.00 5.00 7
7,000.05 to 8,000.00 6.00 6
8,000.05 to 9,000.00 7.00 5
9,000.05 to 10,000.00 8.00 4
10,000.05 to 12,000.00 9.00 3
12,000.05 to 16,000.00 10.00 2
16,000.05 to 20,000.00 15 1

For  sums  in excess  of P20,000  there will  be affixed to the draft in addition  to the loose stamp  (timbre movil) of P15.00  loose stamps  at the  rate  of 15 centimes on each P200.00   in excess  of  that amount. [81]

Stubs of accounts current and checks payable to bearer will require only  a  loose  stamp of  5  centimos.

Article 4.  Unlimited  letters of  credit will  bear, upon  issue  a loose  stamp of 20 centimos,   but  if  the  amount realized be in excess  of P200.00, the difference will be made  up in  accordance with the  scale set  forth in Article 3; payment  to  be made in loose stamps which will be cancelled with the signature  of  the holder of  the document.  In regard to letters of  credit for limited amounts, upon issue they will  bear a loose stanp of  5 centimos, the  difference  to  be made good in accordance with  the scale   upon the basis of  the  amount realized.

Article 5. Drafts  drawn  within  the  Islands may not  be negotiated, accepted or  paid, unless  provided with  the required stamps,  according to  their  amount.  In case  the transfer be made  by telegraph,  the stamp corresponding  to  the amount  drawn will  be affixed  to   the  original telegraph form. 

Article  6.  Drafts drawn abroad,  which are to  be presented for payment   is  the Islands, and those draw in territory where the stamp Tax is  not  demandable,  but which are  payable where  it  is in  force, before   being  negotiated,  accepted,  or  paid, must be provided with  the draft stamps  which the State issues, in proportion to the amount drawn, without which requisite they will not  be  admissible in  the Courts. A  like   formality  will  be  required in  the case of the drafts which may be issued in favor of   the Treasury or which may be  issued  by the   same.