Chapter 13

The  series of  adhesive GIRO stamps  issued in  1880  remained  in use until the  end of   December,  1888.  But the supply of  several denominations was exhausted prior  to 1888 and   resort was had to surcharging  various stamps  for the use as Giro stamps. During  the period   from 1881 to 1888  the surcharging of  stamps of  all  sorts was a very  frequent occurance.  The decree  authorizing these surcharges were  usually,  but not always,  published in the  official Gaceta  de Manila,  which  was issued daily.  These  decrees usually  authorized  the   surcharging  of  stamps  of  several  different kinds for several different  purposes.  Only   those portions of   the  decree which  relate to  GIRO stamps  are quoted below.  The  only record of  these decrees  accessible to the writer  has been  the  files of  the Gaceta de  Manila.  Hence it has not been possible to  locate the  decrees which  authorized  some  of   these surcharges.

Both For bin and  Postage  Stamps  of   the   Philippines  list as  issued  in  1882,  a series  of   five provisional  Giro stamps which were produced by  applying  to  the  5-pesos  blue DERECHOS DE  FIRMA  stamp of 1665  a surcharge which reads  HABILITADO  Pa  Dtos DE GIRO,  with new values. The  new values were  20cms.  in green;  75  cms.  in green; 1,50p  in  red;  2.25p in red  and  3p  in yellow. The writer  has been  unable to locate the decree  authorizing  these surcharges.

A decree of  the General Superintendency of Finance in the Philippines, dated September 29, 1885,   provided: 

4. Also, the surcharing of 10,000 Giro stamps of 20 centimos de peso, which will be taken from the Telegraph stamps of 2 reales is authorized. [71]

No   telegraph  stamp  of  this  denomination  was  issued,   but 2  reales   is equivalent  to  250 milesimas de peso.   The   250m vltrainiirine telegraph  stamp  of   1662   was   surcharged in  yellow   "HABILITADO  Pa  Dtos,  D GIRO  DE 20 CM”, evidently  in  accordance with the  above decree.  The yellow  ink  is often badly faded,  making  the  surcharge very difficult   to read.  This fact, coupled with the  additional fact that specimens  of  this stamp with postal  cancellations  exist, probably caused Stanley Gibbons to list it erroneously as a postage  stamp.  At any rate no such  postage stamp as that listed by Gibbons as  Philippines No.  217a is known  to  exist.

A decree of   the  General   Superintendency of Finance,  dated February  24, 1865,   provided: 

5. Equally,  the  surcharging  of   1,000 GIRO  stamps  of  3.75  pesos Dereeho  Judicial  stamps of  5 pesos  being  taken for  this  purpose, is  authorized. --
6. Likewise,   the  surcharging  of  500 GIRO  stamps  of  5.25 pesos,  to be  taken from Derecho  Judicial stamps of  5 pesos,  is authorized.
7. Lastly, the surcharging of  500 Giro  stamps of 6.75 pesos, which will  be taken from the  Per echo  Judicial  stamps  of 5 pesos, is authorized.  [72]

The   imperforate  5-pesos rose Derecho  Judicial   stamps  of   1866  was for   this  purpose.     The   surcharge reads  "HAB1LITADO DOCUMENTOS  GIRO",   with  new  values,  3.75p in blue, 5.25p in blue and 6.75p in green.     The  date  of issue  is   given  by Postage  Stanps   of  the  Philippines  is  March   10,   1885.

A decree of   the General   Superintendency of   Finance,  dated September  10, 1885,   provided:

5. Equally, the surcharging  of  1,000 Giro stamps  of 2.25  pesos, 500 of  6.00 pesos   and   300 of  7.50 pesos  is authorized, all  lots being taken from those of the same class of 20 centimos. [73]
In accordance with this decree the 20-centimos green GIRO stamp of 1880 was surcharged in black "HABILITADO PARA" with three new values, 2.25p, 6p and 7.50p respectively. These stamps are erroneously listed by Forbin as issued in 1887. Postage Stamps of the Philippines fixes the date of issue as "1886 (?)".

The Royal  Decree  of  May 16,   1886,  which  effected  an extensive revision of  the stamp-tax laws of  the Philippines, provided a new tariff of  stamp  taxes on Documentos  de Giro  and   authorized the  issue of  a new  series of  Giro  stamps whose  denominations would conform to the provisions of   the  new  tariff. This  decree was made  effective on July 1, 1886.   The  new stamps were  not  available,  however,  until  January  1, 1888.  In the  meantime   temporary  arrangements were made for enforcing  the decree of May 16, 1886.     The  Royal  Decree  No.  506,  of  July  5,   1886,  reads  in part:

Ministry of Colonies.  -  No,   506.   –
Most Excellent   Sir,   -

His Majesty the King (Whom God protect), and in his name the Queen Regent of the Realm, has deigned to order:…….that Your Excellency is authorized to use postage stamps and stamps for receipts (Recibos  y Cuentas  stamps)  in  substitution for   those  for  Documentos  de Giro.   -  All  which  by Royal  Order   I  communicate  to  Your Excellency  for  your  information and  as confirmation of   the   telegram of   this   same  date.   -

Madrid,   July  5,   1886.  GAMAZO.   - 
Sir Governor-General  of Philippines   [74]

In accordance with  the   telegraphic  authority  which was confirmed by the  above Royal  Order   the  Governor  General  ON July  10,   1886,   issued  the following   decree:

Manila,  July  10,  1886. 

In conformity with  that  proposed by  the   Superintendency of  Finance and making  use of  the   authority  conferred upon   this  Central  Government   by telegram of   the  Ministry of  Colonies of  the  5th of   the   present, month,   I decree   the   following:

Article   1.  In order  to compensate  for  the difference between  the prices of  the stamped paper which  now exists in circulation and those newly established by the Royal  Decree and  Instruction of May 16,  last,   postage  stamps and stamps for receipts will  be used, (and) at  the  same time as  those  for GIRO.

Article   2.  The  General Administration of  Finance will  take care to secure compliance with,  this decree and will give appropriate instructions for that purpose  .........TERRERO"  [75]