Figure S

No  specimen of   the  first  issue  of  stamped paper   for" MULTAS  and  for REINTEGROS has  been  seen.     The   denominations  of   this   issue   are  given,   however, by   the   Proclamation of   April   20,   1853,   above quoted.     Furthermore   from  the description of   this  paper  given   in  that proclamation  it appears  that each sheet was  similar  in form   to   the  specimen  shown in  Figure  S. But  the  stamp was   very  likely of   the  circular   type which was  current on PAPEL SELLADO, (Stamped  Paper)   between  1846  and  1867. This type  of stamps  is  shown  in Figure  C.

A specimen has  been  seen  of what may have  been  the   third  issue. This specimen  is   labeled:   "REINTEGRO DE   50 CENT.  DE  Pe.  Fts.   -   Serio  C". (Restitution of   50 Centimes   de  Peso  -   Series  C). It  is   presumed  that,  the first  issue was   labeled:   "Serio A"   and  that  the  second   issue was  labeled   "Serio  B".  Fifty  centimos  de peso was  exactly equivalent   to four reales,   which was one of   the  denominations  prescribed by  the  Proclamation of  April   20,   1853.     The  size  and  form of   this  specimen of  the   third issue is   similar  to   that shown  in Figure  S. The stamp,   however,   is  of   the  circular type   shown   in Figure  C,   and   is   printed   in  black on  both   the   upper   and   lower halves  of  the  sheet.  The paper  is  blue.     The  lowest denomination of  this issue was  probably  either   6 centimes  or 12  1/2  centimes.     The  other denominations were  doubtless   the   sane  as   those  provided  for   the   issue of   1853,   with   the exception  that  the  2 reales  and  4 reales  denominations  were expressed  in centimes   de  peso  instead of  in reales.  The  size,   form  and  denominations  of the  paper, for  MULTAS were doubtless   the  same  as those of  the  paper  for  REINTEGROS. This  issue must have appeared  at some  time  between  1853  and   1867.

No specimen has been seen with the denominations expressed in escudos. But it is possible that there may have been such an issue during the period between 1868 and 1871.

Several  specimens  have  been seen of  an  issue with  the  denominations expressed   in  pesetas. This   issue  undoubtedly  appeared at some time  between 1872   and   1877. A  specimen of  this  issue  is  shown  in  Figure S. The   paper   is white  and  the sheets  are 10 inches  wide by 12 -1/2  inches long. The  stamp on the  lower half of   the sheet  is  printed in black  for  all  denominations.  The stamp on  the  upper  half of   the sheet  is  printed  in  a different  color   for each denomination.  Thus there  are two color varieties of  the  stamp  for  each denomination. The  stamp  for  MULTAS was  of   the  same   type   as  that shown  in Figure  S,  but with a slightly different   frame. Specimens of  the following denominations  have been  seen:  2 centimes  de  peseta;   1 peseta  25 centimes; 2 pesetas  50 centimes;  5 pesetas. The   following   denominations may  also  have  been  issued:  30 centimos  de  peseta; 23  pesetas;  125  pesetas; 250  pesetas;  1250  pesetas;  and 2500  pesetas. It  is   possible,  however, that  the denominations above 5  pesetas  were  expressed  in pesos.

This was evidently the last issue of stamped paper for    MULTAS  and  for REINTEGROS,   because  the   specimen  shown in Figure  S   is  surcharged     HABI LITADO Pa.   PAGOS AL ESTADO.     Stamped  paper  for MULTAS  and  for  REINTEGROS was  abolished and stamped paper  for  PAGOS  AL  ESTADO was  created  by  the  Royal Order  of October  28,   1878.