During the Spanish Regime in the Philippines, stamped paper and, subsequent to 1854,  adhesive stamps of all kinds were sold to the public by a person who was licensed for that service by the Government, and who for his services, usually received a  commission of two percent of his sales of stamps and stamped paper.  This person was referred to in the Laws of the Indies as a RECEPTOR (Receiver), as an EXPENDEDOR (Seller) or, subsequent to 1830, as ESTANQUERO (one who operates an ESTANCA).  The room or building where the stamped paper and adhesive stamps were sold was variously called a RECEPTORIA (Receivers Office), an EXPENDIO (Selling Office), an EXPENDEDURIA  (Selling Office) or an ESTANCA (shop where Government monopolies were sold). 

Prior to 1683 there were several other government monopolies in addition to the manufacture and sale of stamped paper and adhesive stamps.  Among these government  monopolies were:  The manufacture and sale of gun powder; the sale of playing cards; the manufacture and sale, at different times, of several different alcoholic beverages; and, most  lucrative of all, the manufacture and sale of tobacco.

The same person who was licensed to sell stamped paper and adhesive stamps also sold the products of any other government monopolies which might be in effect at the time.  During the nineteenth century, the Government monopolies were abolished, one after another, until in 1883 the tobacco monopoly was abolished, leaving stamped paper and adhesive stamps as the sole articles to be sold by the ESTANCAS.  This so greatly  decreased the volume of sales, and hence the income, of the ESTANQUEROS that it became difficult to find persons who were willing to accept the responsibility for the sale of stamped paper and stamps in the smaller towns.  Prior to 1860  and during the decade between 1880 and 1890 there were many towns in which no one was authorized to sell stamped paper and adhesive stamps to the public.  This resulted in considerable inconvenience to the residents of such towns, who were compelled to journey to the larger towns in order to purchase stamped paper and adhesive stamps. 

The following decree governing the appointment of EXPENDEBORES appears on pages 118-120 of Legislation de Efectos Timbrados, published in Manila in 1893:

General Superintendency of Finance of the Philippines.

Manila, August 1, 1890
In view of the reasons expounded by the Central Administration of Lotteries and Stamp Assets, and making use of the authorization conceded in Article 1 of the decree  dictated by the General Government of these Islands on the 14th of December of 1862, this Superintendency order the following:

1. All the EXPENDEDURIAS of Stamp Assets of the Archipelago will be granted, effective from the date of this order, after an announcement of the vacancy has been made in the official Gazette when they are in Manila, and in the customary manner when they correspond to provinces.

2. The proposals which in the future are formulated for the appointment of official EXPENDEDORES of Stamp Assets will be limited to the following   qualifications:

a.   That of being Peninsular Spaniards, wives or orphans of the same;
b.   Licentiates of the Army, their widows and orphans;
c.   Persons who have held public offices in the provinces or in the  villages; and
d.  Spanish-Filipino mestizos who do not possess any of the previous qualifications. [1]

3. The Administrators of Finance will remit, with their recommendation to the Center of     Lotteries and Stamp Assets, all the petitions which are presented to them  soliciting these positions, after being informed by the Gobernadorcillo, [2]  parish priest and the Head of the Civil Guard (Guardia Civil), [3] to the end that said Center may make the appointments.

4. All vacancies that occur in Manila will be left unfilled until the EXPENDEDURIAS are  reduced to fifty, without counting those (which are) Special, which will be distributed conveniently for the best service of the city.

5. The sale of Telegraph stamps is left exclusively in the charge of the Special EXPENDEDURIA and its five branches established in all telegraph stations of the Capital, and only to the provinces in which there is a telegraph will this class of stamps be released in quantity sufficient for the service of the same. 

6. Whatever orders this Superintendency has dictated with reference to the EXPENDEDORES of Stamp Assets, as long as they are not in conflict with that (which is) ordered in the present decree, remain force........... FERNANDEZ. [4]