This is a revised presentation of the collection
I uploaded last month: not only upgrading it from 5 to 8 frames but also
presenting the collection in an actual exhibit format which allow you to
view the contents as if you are standing right in front of the exhibit
Admittedly the main focus of this collection are
the American Bank Note archival materials ranging from the actual stamp
design essays, photo essays, large die proofs and the specimen plate numbers
set of which only three sets exist (I stand corrected when I first indicated
that only two sets exist).
Unique and beautiful as the above may be, they
are only a part of what a traditional exhibit should and must be.
I strongly suggest that you take a close look
on the actual usage of the issue. Without the actual usage of the stamps
the proofs and essays are mere drawings or to some extent, small pieces
of art. The actual usage justify on how the issued denominations came about
and why six of the seven values underwent several printings.
From the time line usage one can also discern
why this 7-value set was issued on a staggered basis or why the 4c Rizal
Monument, the lowest denomination in the set, was issued last together
with the 1 peso Colonnade of Palm Tress. The ABN Co. printed the stamps
based on a schedule of requirement given to the by the Bureau of Posts
and the 4c value was the last to be required as ample stock was on hand
of the 2c Rizal sepia definitive and different values of the Victory
issues. As the stock of these stamps diminished the BOP gradually released
the 1947 Pictorials set.
I draw your attention is on the postal rates used
during the covered period of actual usage. For the 1947 - 1948 period I
arrive at a conclusion that the outbound air mail rates were set primarily
based on who carried the mail - either by PanAm or Philippine Air Lines.
The only rate that was probably dictated by the Bureau of Posts was the
18c regular postage it required on all outbound mail matters except those
addressed to the U.S. and its territories (why to the U.S. only? Your guess
is as good as mine). The 1947-1948 air mail rates was on a per country
basis rather than on a per region basis. Complicated as it may seem, this
actually make the actual usage of the issues very interesting as more often
it required the use of several values on one cover or the mixed use with
other ABN printed issues. As you can clearly see on a per frame basis,
the resulting exhibit is more colorful, thus making it more interesting
to look and read.
Admittedly the interest on Republic issues is
very minimal. Personally, I thought of it as boring and at one point readily
available because in philately it is classified as a modern period. After
taking a second and third look at the covers this so called "modern period"
can actually produce some spectacular rarities (sadly not yet in this collection)
like a properly used 50c or 1 peso on a local cover and perhaps a local
parcel rate using any of the top four denominations. These I would like
to see while both my feet still firmly on terra firma and if ever that
time comes, it will surely jolt me 10 feet off my seat. Proper local
commercial use of the issue is more difficut that outbound mail. The
limited number of domestic covers in this collection is a testament to
this fact. Sadly, many collectors do not realize this. What is difficult
for outbound mail are those addressed to unique destinations like Africa.
I hope that this presentation can change
the attitude of collectors towards this period. This collection made me
think twice and I now believe that given the right impetus, the Republic
period can be interesting and informative as well.
There is not point in me rattling off numerous
adjectives to describe this collection. JUST LOOK!
Last but certainly the least, this collection
belongs to Dr. Tommy Sim.
Abe Luspo
Manila, Philippines
August 29, 2005