2c Rice Planter
postal card (#NUX3) with blocks of 4 of
2c and 5c
Philippine Executive Commission Anniversary issue (#N10-11)
for 30c total
rate, overpaid by 16c the required 14c registered psc rate.
Okay, this
card is over franked but I still consider it as very commercial. Possible
that the sender was not aware of the correct required postage thus with
the note "Am rushing this letter that is why I put plenty of clipper
Except for
philatelic notices the commercial use of the Rice Planter card is not easy.
I personally have help prepare numerous Japanese Occupation exhibits and
this card is sparingly represented in the collections. The other matter
I would like to call your attention to is the difficulty of finding registered
postal cards and this is true for all countries that issue them. In reality,
there is no need to register them.
Gene Labiuk